Norway-Baltic Research Network. Critical Infrastructure: Institutional Coordination and Policy Preferences

Project idea

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs in cooperation with partners in Norway, Estonia, and Lithuania carry out the project: “Norway-Baltic Research Network. Critical Infrastructure: Institutional Coordination and Policy Preferences.”

Planned activities: development of a book about the critical infrastructure protection system, communication of state institutions and societal awareness in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway; sociological survey on the societal understanding and interest in the critical infrastructure protection topic in four partner countries; scientific, networking and public diplomacy exchange of experts from the partner institutions; five public discussions devoted to the critical infrastructure protection in four partner countries.

Expected outcomes: improved societal awareness about the importance of the critical infrastructure protection in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway; an enhanced scientific network of the Baltic States and Norway research institutions; enhanced mutual understanding and visibility of national, regional political agenda in four partner countries.

Participating institutions

Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA), Latvia; Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University (VU TSPMI), Lithuania; International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS), Estonia; Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Norway.