Presentation “What is animal laborans? Cybernetic Cosmology, Recursivity, and Politics”

Presentation “What is animal laborans? Cybernetic Cosmology, Recursivity, and Politics”

November  25, 14:00 we are inviting to the presentation by Aberystwyth university researcher Toni Čerkez, “What is animal laborans? Cybernetic Cosmology, Recursivity, and Politics.”


The presentation will discuss Arendt’s understanding of animal laborans and connect it to the shift between mechanism and organism in political thought (also philosophy). It will try to probe into how cybernetics, which has generally been forgotten as a philosophical worldview (cosmovision), plays a role in contemporary life, and how Arendt herself saw that and discuss some stakes in probing alternative cosmovisions and modernity.


The meeting is organised by the Institute’s Politics of Technology Research Group and International Relations Department. Everyone interested is welcome.


The meeting takes place in room 202.