Performance priorities of the Lithuanian government: implementation process and results (2014–2015)

Project idea

Therefore, the main aim of this study is to explain why even the most important Government performance priorities might be not successfully implemented over a sufficiently long period of time. In order to achieve this aim, a specific theoretical framework for analysis will be developed, enabling analysis and explanation of the implementation process of Government performance priorities. In addition, the implementation process and achieved results of these priorities will be compared across different public policy areas in Lithuania.

During the project six case studies on the main XV Government performance priorities will be carried out. These priorities are the following: (1) structural reforms in the energy sector, (2) reform of higher education, (3) public administration reform (civil service reform), (4) health care reform, (5) employment and reduction of social exclusion, as well as (6) a programme of residential buildings’ renovation.
The main result of this project will be a monograph. In addition, an article will be written in English for an international peer-reviewed journal, as well as a policy brief will be produced for politicians and practitioners.